Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Purple Velvet Satchel

My hands are full with the shards of my heart,
It breaks a little more as I try to speak…
With good intentions you embrace my arms,
The pieces fall again- tears wet my cheeks.

I drop to the floor on my hands and knees
This is me hurting and trying to heal.
Embarrassed, I begin to pick up my heart.
I’m still in shock; I don’t know how to feel.

Big pieces down to tiny- all over the ground.
Weeping, I pick them up one by one.
Wondering how this will ever get better-
I collect every piece and look up when I’m done.

I lift some Philia love up to the light,
Find a morsel of companionship- though fragile-
A few gems of caring and understanding...
And I put them into a purple velvet satchel.

I’ll keep the pretty piece of Eros love,
And the little bits of romance too,
I put my heart pieces aside for later,
and give the little satchel to you.

That satchel contains a delicate treasure-
I’ve picked out the most lasting part-
My friendship wrapped in soft purple velvet
Wear it- keep it close to your heart


beardysanchez said...


I like this poem better in colour and i liked it before!It gives it real richness and depth

Love the imagery too

Keep writing HOPE

Hope said...

Thank you Beardy!

I look forward to seeing more of your writing as well :)