Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Army Life

Handsome soldier man, do you know when we're apart,
That when you go I'm with you: you take along my heart.

When you go away my love, Right here with me you stay,
You're always in my thoughts; every moment, every day.

Come back to me safely; I await your sweet embrace,
Come home to me safe and set the world back into place.


She is a goddess,
No obstacle will stand in her way,

She is determined,
She'll work at it day after day,

She is unstoppable,
She is becoming what she wants to be,

Who knew,
 Deep down, she has always been me.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Shelter from the Storm

Raging, the storm churns within my guts.
I struggle along in an impossible rut.
Carrying it all, convinced that I’m strong,
But the burdens, oh they prove me wrong.

The weight of the world upon my back,
I have to set it down, stack by stack.
Setting it all up in a nice little row,
I realize my walls are beginning to grow.

I wasn’t aware when I tore them down,
That I would have to carry all of it around.
I’m tired now and I must take a rest,
Can’t stand any more weight on my chest.

I tried to put it off, but it’s time again,
To build up my walls and lock myself in.
It’s not safe outside, the storms make me cry.
I must be my own shelter, safe inside.

I’m the only one who can let myself down,
No synergy with others who come around.
No dependence, disappointment, or need.
I must belong to myself, my own hero indeed.