Wednesday, July 20, 2011


When you were a giant, I listened to you breathe,
I tried to match my breath to yours,

When you were mighty, I wondered at your strength
You lifted me in and out of cars,

When we first spoke, I was amazed at your memory
Every detail was set in stone,

I love you Dad, and I'll always be grateful,
For all the years of love you've shown.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Life and time

The tracks of my tears are slowing time down,
The days roll on at half the pace.
Holding it together as my thoughts go 'round,
I have to remember, this is a race.

Time is fooling me - there's not much left,
It's running out; so much to be done.
Depression bangs on my heart till I'm deaf,
This new perspective weighs a ton.

I will stand up and seek out the best choice-
Above time's pace, life moves on.
I will speak with feigned strength in my voice,
And see this through until it's done.