Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Island

1,000 voices sing me to sleep as I bask in your warmth,

The present opens up into all the possibilities of forever,

Each moment a delightful eternity of affection and love.

Ocean salt on my lover’s skin, fruit nectar on our lips,

Hair softened and drying from the warm, lovely rain.

Our bodies glow from adventuring and exploration.

Your bounty enriches the rich and the poor alike.

Such as shame to leave this paradise in your arms-

I treasure the experience and can’t wait to return.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


With 1,000 pounds of pleasant, your touch stills my body.

Your love envelops me like a warm, fragrant breeze,

Held safe in the strength of your arms, I brush your lips.

Our kiss sets the stars on fire, lighting up the world.