Friday, March 02, 2012


Trudging through the dessert- so parched
Looking for the oasis of your arms.
Clear, cool water, wash all over me,
Nourishing kisses, sweet as honey.

Ah my love, where did you go?
You’ve trudged a dessert of your own.
Somehow somewhere around high noon,
We connected on a vast sandy dune.

Just in time, we found each other,
We’ll be an Oasis for one another
Come on now, let’s get out of the sun,
Hand in hand, we've just begun.
-MM 2/29/12

omg M,
is it unmanly of me to melt?
words touching deep inside of me,
leaving me more than a little tingly.
Remembering things I haven't felt.

 You touch upon my soul!
Awaken the me long buried,
this heart has been so harried.
You wipe away the costly toll.

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