Friday, March 13, 2009

Rose City

This is my city, but it is not my home.
I walk here by myself, but never alone.
I'm not like these people, yet we're the same,
Because of our differences, and to where we came.

The sun feels so good, warming my back,
People watchers watch, as my steps they track.
I see them too, brief contact with the eye,
Then look on to notice others, as I stroll by.

Lovers on the grass, families walking along,
A homeless group of people singing a song,
Bicyclers whizzing by, ringing their bells,
This park is full of different sights and smells.

I can never tell what the day will bring,
I do know that it's usually interesting...
Gourmet food, original shops, trendy places,
New found art, miles of sidewalks, many faces.

It's different here; somehow more alive;
The old-town area, where I enjoy the vibe.
A place I love to visit, so full of diversity-
This is not my home, but it is my city.

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