Saturday, October 04, 2008

Stepping Stones...

I have a celestial garden I've been growing and building. Surrounded by weeping willows with beautifully hanging branches, peaceful green grass,
Fragrant flowers and lots of fruits and vegetables to enjoy- and in the center of my garden- the Fountain of Love.
The Fountain flows freely- covering all parts of the garden. It's composed of Agape and Philia, but Eros is missing…
I have been searching all my life, working through trial and error to complete my Fountain… but I have only found stepping stones:

A vacuum block is not a good stepping stone- the first to miss-use my Eros love- but he imploded, and I left him in his own mess.

Quicksand mixed with cement is no good material for a stepping stone. I was set with him, but he sucked everything in and ruined it.

I found a fantastic stepping stone- it was warm and enticing- but I was deceived. I was burned by hot coals turned black- not safe at all.

A secure piece of granite - I thought this would be a good one. It turned out to be a stepping stone made of spongy wood- rotting inside.

Then there was a beautiful, original piece of art who refused to be anything except a stepping stone- and a stepping stone he was proud to be.

So I have experienced those unfit pieces- good and bad, fake and real… I still want to find the one who is fit to complete the Fountain of Love in which we can flow together outside of time and space…
I've learned disappointment and danger from stepping stones of the past… I've learned to be selective; I've thrown the bad ones out.
I'm looking at the best one yet- hoping in time, I'll discover that he's the one conducive to Eros with me- not just another stepping stone.

It's all Greek to you?

Agape- "brotherly love" or love regarding kinship

Philia- love regarding friends

Eros- passionate, romantic love

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