Friday, September 26, 2008

In Over My Head

I'm holding on, high above the water,
I come down to drink when I want to.
Catching my heart, it's only you I see,
Yet scared of the water- I hug my tree.
I'm stable here, I hold on and stay still.
I’ve fallen before. You’re too good to be real.

Still I'm captivated and I want to know,
The wonderful person you are, so...
I climb down to the water- still holding on-
To feel you near me, so free and strong.
Pausing, I consider this dilemma,
Possibilities and past pain I remember.

I make the choice to join you in the flow…
To gain freedom and love - I’m letting go.
Oh I know I'm diving in over my head,
I expected fear, but have hope insead-
Diving deeper, I relax and go under-
I'm in deep: in love, joy and wonder.


beardysanchez said...

Enjoy the swim but remember to come up for air!!

Hope said...

Haha well said!!
