Sunday, November 12, 2006

My Spirit's Cry

The place I go each day inside
Is a slippery slope, no place to hide.
No way to lie or deceive myself,
No sugar coating, no obscure shelf.
It's all in the open for me to see,
There's no way to lie inside of me.

If I ignore my spirit's constant cry,
It comes out in ways I can't deny.
I can shut my eyes and try to ignore,
All that my spirit is crying for,
I can plug my ears, and refuse to hear
The cry that my spirit calls out clear.

I can close my mouth and refuse to taste,
And all the more, my spirit hastes-
And cries louder and shakes me up,
I don't sleep well and my life gets rough.
I start to get sick and cannot breathe
My crying spirit in anguish seethes.

All of this I don't understand,
I beg for help from my Savior's hand,
I realize I have to look at these things,
And deal with the heartache that it brings,
And after that my spirit will sing
And I will, again I will have peace.


beardysanchez said...

This is where I am or have just passed right now. Thanks for putting so much that I am feeling in to words. x

I have a few things I want to add to my blog soon when my words form

Hope said...

Thanks for the comment, can't wait to see the addition to your blog... loved your heart shaped post!


Hope said...

Thanks, AK~ ;-)