Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Thematic Rumi Poetry...

You are in love with me, I shall make you perplexed.

Do not build much, for I intend to have you in ruins.
If you build two hundred houses in a manner that the bees do;
I shall make you as homeless as a fly.
If you are the mount Qaf in stability.
I shall make you whirl like a millstone.


I was in love, now I am perplexed... whirling for sure...

I could have written this one... my heart agrees:

I said I shall tell the tale of my heart as best as I can;
Caught in the storm of my tears, with a bleeding heart, I failed to do that!
I tried to relate to event in broken, muted words;
The cup of my thoughts was so fragile, that I fell into pieces like shattered glass.
Many ships were wrecked in this storm;
What is my little helpless boat in comparison?
The waves destroyed my ship, neither good remained nor bad;
Free from myself, I tied my body to a raft.
Now, I am neither up nor down-no this is not a fair description;
I am up on a wave one instant, and down under another the next.
I am not aware of my existence, I know only this:
When I am, I am not, and when I am not, I am!
(Divan 1419:1-6)

I relate to this one experiencially:

Like a thief reason sneaked in and sat amongst the lovers eager to give them advice.
They were unwilling to listen, so reason kissed their feet and went on its way.

One Last one: Here's my plan...

Seek the wisdom that will untie your know
see the path that demands your whole being.
Leave that which is not, but appears to be
seek that which is, but is not apparent.

What I had was not but appeared to be... now I have to turn my heart around.
My broken, misguided heart... I will be more apt to listen to reason from here out.

1 comment:

Identity Crisis said...

Thanks for the visit to my blog. The poetry is beautiful. If you have suffered a recent heartbreak...may I recommend Dorothy Parker? She always makes me feel better.


They hail you as their morning star
Because you are the way you are.
If you return the sentiment,
They'll try to make you different;
And once they have you, safe and sound,
They want to change you all around.
Your moods and ways they put a curse on;
They'd make of you another person.
They cannot let you go your gait;
They influence and educate.
They'd alter all that they admired.
They make me sick, they make me tired.
-Dorothy Parker